Similarly, on trade, Trump has publicly proclaimed the conservative principle of zero tariffs. But practically, he slaps ...
Some movement conservatives are greatly inflating the Trump threat to conservatism: Conservative intellectuals have become convinced that Mr. Trump, with his message of nationalist-infused ...
The two major political parties, in power and out, have been so co-opted by the war machine that any modern anti-war movement has been completely subsumed and marginalized—even as American ...
What the conservative movement needs most today is more philosophical ... Donald Devine is senior scholar at the Fund for American Studies, the author of America’s Way Back: Reconciling Freedom ...
In the 1980s, neoconservatives came to control the American conservative movement in what was mostly a friendly takeover. Conservative foundations and journals began sliding toward the Left ...
For Gottfried, the primary effect that both neoconservatives and Straussians have had on the American conservative movement is to suck all the air out of it and ensure that there is no one to the ...
Fox News host Mark Levin argues President Donald Trump has the potential to be the most conservative president in American ...
The conservative movement or body of opinion can accommodate ... Nash’s canonical history of American intellectual conservatism since 1945 — and you absolutely should if you care about these ...
In American conservatism ... or Trump himself carries the torch of Waylon Jennings Populism, the conservative movement cannot lose sight of the reason it arose in the first place.