Paying attention refers to the brain's ability to take all of the stimuli around us, immediately categorize and organize information ... or image necessarily more important than any others.
Since you don't know how much of the subject line will be viewable from a smartphone, it's important to put the most important information ... to grab the reader's attention right away.
Attention or die. We’re all familiar with these claims. But what actually is attention? Why is attention important? What do I, as a business owner or marketer, need to do about it? Should I even care ...
LUBBOCK, Texas — Monday, January 13 was National Amber Alert Awareness Day, a reminder to pay attention when those ... Amber Alerts are filled with important information, including details ...
When these brain waves synchronise, your baby is more likely to link your words to the object that you're both looking at. And this is why shared attention is so important for language learning.