Comedian Njugush clarifies that the viral chemistry book cover featuring his high school photo was photoshopped, confirming ...
Paper journals may disappear, but the concept of a cover may not. Chemistry is, for the most part, quite a visual subject. For example, the language of organic chemists is essentially one of ...
Comedian Njugush clarifies that the viral chemistry book cover featuring his high school photo was photoshopped, confirming ...
Nature Reviews Chemistry aims to cover both the traditional core subjects of the field — organic, inorganic, physical and analytical chemistry — while also providing insight to non-specialists ...
Unlike Review articles, these are intended to cover developments made over the past year or so ... By their nature they will not be comprehensive reviews of a field of materials chemistry.
Cover Profile We were invited for the cover of Chemistry - A European Journal (Chem. Eur. J. 34/2021) with our article Cooperative Ligands in Dissolution of Gold.
These books cover the entire CBSE Class 12 Chemistry syllabus in a comprehensive and systematic manner. All the essential topics and concepts are explained in detail, ensuring that students have a ...