The new research is the first solid evidence that this internal structure boosts hardness. "Natural and synthetic diamonds mostly have a cubic lattice, whereas a rare hexagonal structure – known ...
Today, most people admire diamonds for two exceptional attributes: their hardness and their brilliance. Scholars knew of diamonds' unrivaled hardness since antiquity, but its unique optical ...
First identified in 1967, lonsdaleite is the hardest naturally-occuring mineral ever discovered—yes, it’s even harder than diamonds. Lonsdaleite, however, has only been found in meteorites ...
Larger diamonds favor speed and smaller fine diamonds favor longer blade life. The efficiency of the blade depends on the hardness of both the matrix and the concrete, and the number of diamonds ...
In a recent correspondence on hardness 1, several assertions were made, some of which are incorrect and some are misleading. First, the title “What does 'harder than diamond' mean?”, ...
Diamond’s allure as a gemstone and its use as a tool due to its hardness have encouraged research on technical applications for centuries. Isaac Newton studied diamond, measuring its refractive ...