Relive the glory days of the Sega Dreamcast with the new Retro Fighters D6 wireless controller.
The Dreamcast was a proud moment for Sega, at least initially, being the first console to launch of a new generation. Unfortunately this didn’t translate into massive sales, and the plug was ...
Published earlier today, the latest entry in Esposito’s history excavation project details his teenage spiral into the exciting Y2K world of nascent Dreamcast online functionality. Don’t think ...
Over 22 years since GTA Vice City's initial release, a group of Dreamcast enthusiasts are bringing the Rockstar banger to Sega's long-forgotten console. Just last year, a team led by a developer ...
Instead of using its DirectX graphics technology to launch its own console, Microsoft uses it to help Sega eke more performance from the Dreamcast in the face of the superior PS2. It helps Sega to ...
The Divers 2000 CX-1 was sold for about four times the cost of a standard Dreamcast ($199 at launch) and it included additional accessories including a DreamEye camera, a specially-branded ...
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