A search for bird nests is like an archaeological dig ... likely belong to the northern cardinal. There are no leaves in their nests. They are often hidden deeply in the shrub or tree, near ...
Many people love to support their backyard birds with food and water, but they don’t always realize they can also provide ...
Eurasian coots are round, black waterbirds with distinctive, chicken-like feet. Each year, these birds typically build new, ...
Nest boxes help many species of birds, including eastern bluebirds, tree swallows and wood ducks, by providing protection ...
S ome ferns can be fussy to grow indoors and tend to drop fronds constantly (we’re looking at you, Boston fern!), but the bird’s nest fern is a true gem. With thick strappy le ...
Coots' nests in Amsterdam are built using discarded plastic, providing a time capsule into the material's use over the past ...
Researchers reconstructed the history of an unusual 30-year-old bird nest based on the expiration dates printed on plastic ...
Winter is unknown to him, and he leaves the green meadows and ... and in the rearing and education of the young birds afterward. As soon as a nest is fairly begun, some member of the household ...