Meta announced on Tuesday that users will soon be able to add their WhatsApp account to their Accounts Center, a hub where ...
We’re excited to announce that we’ll be rolling out a new option to add WhatsApp to Accounts Center over the next few months.
“Our approach for WhatsApp is simple: your account is separate from other apps and no-one but you can change that,” ...
Meta says the link won’t be turned on automatically, so it’s up to you to decide if linking WhatsApp to Accounts Center is something you’re into. If you do so, Meta will start using your Wha ...
“Our approach for WhatsApp is simple: your account is separate from other apps and no-one but you can change that,” Meta said in a blog post on the update. “While adding your WhatsApp to ...
WhatsApp gets so many updates it's hard to keep up sometimes, but despite a year of upgrades there's still a big feature that hasn't made it to iOS yet – support for multiple accounts. Thankfully ...