"The O 2 plasma treatment induced oxidation of the graphene ... often due to hydrogen atoms attaching to the surface.
The same substance that paints the sky with the Northern Lights also appears to enhance plant growth and insect defense, according to a new study.
The group's main research emphasis is in the fields of plasma-based coating deposition and surface treatment process technologies. These include the development of new sputter-deposited metallic ...
Emer: It uses electrical energy on the surface of the skin ... there's always some sort of risk, and new treatments like the plasma fibroblast pen need to be studied, and researched, and used ...
Cold plasma technology is gaining traction due to its versatile applications, including wound healing, sterilization, surface modification, and cancer treatment. Its ability to offer non-thermal, ...
"The results showed that functionalizing graphene structures with plasma generated noble materials with a superior NH 3 gas-sensing performance compared with pristine graphene," concludes Assoc.
Now, researchers have developed an improved gas-sensing technology by treating graphene sheets with plasma under different conditions, creating structural and chemical defects that enhance ammonia ...