A game-changing tribe swap had one pair using their advantages to take down the majority. Find out who was voted out.
After a dismal performance from the original Vula tribe, players in 'Survivor' Season 48 drop their buffs, swap tribes and ...
Previously on Survivor 48, the Vula tribe returned to Tribal Council for the third straight time, but managed to surprise ...
It's already time to "drop your buffs" on Survivor 48, Episode 4. Here's an early look at the all-new episode with a twist.
Drop. Your. Buffs. In Wednesday’s episode, a much-needed tribe swap turned the game upside down, giving the old Vula players ...
The Survivor 48 tribes will look much different after host Jeff Probst tells the players "drop your buffs" during the next ...
On this week's new episode of "Survivor," three new tribes are formed meaning new friendhsips, alliances, rivalries and more.
Dubbed Survivor 50: In the Hands of the Fans, viewers will be able to vote on exactly what the season looks like — from the color of each tribe’s buffs to the game’s twists, and even whether ...
Tonight on Survivor 48, a massive curveball was thrown the castaways' way in the form of the second-ever new era tribe swap. A lot was shaken up, with people across all tribes scattered to the ...