A HUGE underwater hidden volcano is set to erupt near the US mainland as scientists reveal it has shown signs it will blow ...
A normally quiet “high threat” volcano in Washington state has been rumbling at a record rate — prompting an alert from ...
Mount Saint Helens, Mount Adams, Mount Baker, and Glacier Peak are four of the active volcanoes in Washington state. The fifth, located less than 70 miles from Seattle, is Mount Rainier.
Mile-wide volcano could erupt off US West Coast this year, say scientists - Axial Seamount lies around 480km off the coast of Oregon ...
Earth bubbles and broils beneath an underwater peak called Axial Seamount, located 480 kilometers (300 miles) off Oregon's ...
Although Washington state's Mount St. Helens has been experiencing a high volume of seismic activity, experts are allaying fears that it is a sign that the volcano is about to blow its top.