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In Vorfreude auf das Weihnachtsfest sind alle zum gemeinsamen Basteln eingeladen und alles, was dafür mitgebracht werden muss, sind etwas Geschick und Freude am Selbermachen. Bastelutensilien wie ...
Upon hearing the words Berlin Modernism, many people first think of the UNESCO housing estates. But the largest and most modern residential complex was built in Haselhorst. Berlin at end of the 1920s: ...
Everyone in Germany knows Ralf Zacherl, and not just in Berlin: as a TV chef and author, he has won many hearts and delighted viewers and readers with his great creative recipes. Ralf's colleague ...
Nilza Costa is a Brazilian singer and composer from Salvador [Bahia], a city on the Atlantic coast strongly influenced by Afro traditions. She inherited her passion for music from her grandmother of ...
Wearing Wildling minimal shoes gives us a sense of freedom. From their natural raw materials right down to our feet, they allow us to get closer to nature with every step we take. This in turn enables ...
Use public transport freely and get to all the sights with the Berlin Welcome Card.
La gita di classe nella capitale è un highlight assoluto per gli studenti. Proprio come la città, anche la sua vita notturna e l'intrattenimento serale sono variopinti e sfaccettati.Molte opzioni sono ...
Use public transport freely and get to all the sights with the Berlin Welcome Card.