Local Groups will expand your career network—whether you are interested in learning new skills, finding job opportunities or looking for a new employee. A Local Group is a group of people who, like ...
The virtuality continuum represents the full spectrum of technological possibilities between the entirely physical world or real environment and the fully digital world or virtual environment. It ...
Most designers are familiar with non-disclosure agreements. Usually, your employer asks you to sign such an agreement to prevent you from revealing confidential information. But when you write your UX ...
UX design roles are confusing. You might know what a “UX designer” does, but what about a “visual designer”, “product designer” or “UX unicorn”? Well, worry no more because we’ll end any confusion you ...
User flows are diagrams that depict the path a user can take to complete a task while interacting with a product. A user flow focuses on the user's needs and the most ...
You might see the "UX/UI designer" job title and think UX and UI are interchangeable. But while there is overlap, they are separate disciplines. This video breaks down the differences between UX and ...
Micro-interactions are small but crucial elements that enhance user experience (UX). They offer intuitive cues and turn routine tasks into enjoyable moments. Learn about their significance in modern ...
Wicked problems are problems with many interdependent factors making them seem impossible to solve. Because the factors are often incomplete, in flux, and difficult to define, solving wicked problems ...
AI-generated art is artwork created with the assistance of artificial intelligence (AI). This process typically involves algorithms that can learn from data inputs and generate new, original art ...
Visual perception refers to the ability to interpret and make sense of visual information from the environment through the process of sight. This complex process involves several steps, beginning with ...
UX roles describe the various parts designers play in the design process. They range from generalist roles—e.g., UX designers and product designers—to specialist ones such as visual designers and UX ...
Color symbolism is the subjective meaning humans attach to various colors. People respond to color in three ways—biologically (e.g., red = fear), culturally (e.g., red = wellbeing in many Eastern ...