Maruti Suzuki has unveiled the ‘Made in India’ Jimny five-door SUV in Japan. According to the company, the Jimny is the second model exported to Japan in FY 2024-25. The Jimny is produced at its manufacturing facility in Gurugram,
Maruti Suzuki Jimny 5-door is an extended version of the standard 3-door version, the 5-door Jimny has 340 mm more wheelbase than the 3-door variant. In terms of dimensions, the SUV measures 3,985mm in length,
In his interaction with diaspora members on Wednesday, MP CM Yadav said, "Indians are like sugar in milk. They add sweetness and mix seamlessly wherever they go. We connect with the feeling of welfare in whichever country Indians go". "You have found a way a made a path. The future generations will benefit from what you have created," he added.
India is the global hub for producing the Jimny 5-door and Japan is the latest market to get the model. Suzuki Japan is targeting to sell about 1,200 units of the Jimny Nomad every month.
Door Jimny is made in India and Japan and 5-Door Jimny is exclusively manufactured in India by Maruti Suzuki at their Gurugram facility.
Maruti Suzuki India (MSIL) has said the ‘Made in India’ Jimny five-door was unveiled in Japan on Thursday. The model is exclusively manufactured at the company’s manufacturing facility in Gurugram, Haryana. This iconic model was first showcased in Auto Expo 2023 and is the second most exported model from MSIL in fiscal year (FY) 2024-25, MSIL said.
U.S. officials say the Trump administration would begin formal international engagements this week when Marco Rubio — expected to be confirmed soon as secretary of state — meets with the foreign ministers of India,
TOKYO -- Japanese companies should invest in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh to take advantage of a young talent pool, the state's Chief Minister Mohan Yadav said in an interview Wednesday.
The Jimmy five-door model has become the second SUV after Fronx to be supplied to the home market of Suzuki Motor Corporation in FY 2024-25
According to recent reports, Tokyo has agreed to India running its own high-speed prototypes on the same infrastructure, set to be ready by 2026-27. Previously slated to receive the Shinkansen E5, India now looks forward to the E10, capable of reaching speeds up to 400 kmph—an upgrade from the E5’s 320 kmph limit.
Bhopal, Jan 29 (IANS) Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav on Wednesday met Japan's Parliamentary Vice Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) Hisashi Matsumoto in Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo on the importance of Japan-India cooperation and strengthening ties at the state level.
A renewed push by Japan’s biggest banks and other global lenders in India is driving down loan prices with the new players having more appetite for riskier credit, according to the country head for Barclays Plc.