Through collaborations with communities, Mercy Corps is supporting locally led disaster preparedness in the wake of the 2004 ...
SERAMBINEWS.COM - Pada hari Jumat 10 Januari 2025 sekitar pukul 9.00 WIB dilakukan kegiatan penyerahan produk hasil kegiatan ...
Dokumen tersebut menjelaskan delapan standar yang harus dipenuhi oleh program PAUD, yaitu standar pencapaian perkembangan ...
"Sedangkan Tol Sigli - Banda Aceh Seksi Seulimeum - Baitussalam, mencatatkan kenaikan signifikan yaitu 98,6% dibandingkan trafik normal," tutur Koentjoro. Koentjoro mengatakan bahwa peningkatan trafik ...
BANDA ACEH, Indonesia — More than 260 Rohingya refugees, including women and children, arrived in Indonesia's westernmost province of Aceh after floating at sea for days, an official said on Monday.
This is a recollection of my experience covering the Asian tsunami as an Australian photographer in Banda Aceh. Other photographer friends who also covered this horrific disaster in Indonesia ...
Handout picture of the aftermath of the Boxing Day tsunami in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. (ShelterBox) Ms Harvey added that the lessons learned from the response to the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami are all ...
BANDA ACEH, – Bus Trans Koetaradja tak lagi melintas di jalan-jalan Kota Banda Aceh dan Aceh Besar sejak dua hari terakhir. Penghentian sementara ini terjadi akibat masa kontrak kerja ...
MPU Aceh juga mengingatkan agar masyarakat menghindari kegiatan yang tidak sesuai dengan syariat Islam, seperti meniup terompet, menyalakan lilin, atau pesta kembang api. Bagi umat Muslim, dilarang ...
Zambia captain Barbra Banda made history this year by becoming the top-scoring African at the Olympic Games After a landmark year in which she achieved several notable footballing firsts ...
After a landmark year in which she achieved several notable footballing firsts, Zambia's Barbra Banda could be forgiven for resting on her laurels. Instead, the woman crowned Africa's best on 16 ...
Banda Aceh. The city government of Sabang ... It remains the only province in Indonesia where Islamic law is enforced through punishments such as public caning for offenders.