Batman faces his ultimate challenge as the mysterious Red Hood takes Gotham City by firestorm. One part vigilante, one part criminal kingpin, Red Hood begins cleaning up Gotham with the efficiency ...
Throughout the live-action history of Batman in movies and TV shows, there have been several ... with many of the characters in The Batmans cast not surviving the events of the movie.
Yes, the imposing, barrel-chested star of numerous movies and TV shows ... the latest live-action interpretation of arguably the most Bat-like superhero of all time, the god-damn Batman.
Before you cast your vote, try revisiting (or, perhaps, even discovering) all of the live-action, feature-length ... and The Riddler attempt to discover Batman's true identity.
It expands in a way that will show you aspects of the character you never got to see." He continued: "Batman is constantly battling these forces. But those forces can’t be entirely exorcised.
With the sequel now in development, Hollywood Life has compiled everything you need to know about The Batman Part II, from the release date to the cast. Yes! Robert Pattinson, who starred as Bruce ...
Here’s everything we know about the DCU’s introduction to Batman and Robin. DC Studios has not cast anyone in any of the roles yet. But we imagine the casting of a new live-action cinematic ...