HEROIC Tinotenda Pudu, the brave eight-year-old boy who strayed into wildlife-infested Matusadonha Game Park and spent five days wandering, is suffering trauma and needs specialist therapy.
Despite the terrifying ordeal, Pudu was found in a jungle near Hogwe River by park rangers. Matusadonha said that the residents of Nyaminyami beat drums every night in an attempt to catch the boy ...
A missing 7-year-old boy survived five days alone in an African game park, alongside elephants and lions, in what Zimbabwean politicians are calling "a true miracle." Tinotenda Pudu spent nearly a ...
“We’re shining light on injustices, for countless others beyond ourselves,” wrote a complainant who says he was abused at the age of 12. An accused former scoutmaster denies the allegations and vows ...
When Brendan Wheeler pitched an Eagle Scout project that would focus on collecting and repairing musical instruments to give to low-income children, he thought he’d collect 25 instruments at most.