Dive into Denzel Washington's extensive filmography and see which movies critics deemed to be his best and worst.
If you think about the greatest movie stars of the last five decades, there's no way Denzel Washington ... the LAPD releases Parker Barnes (Washington) from prison in order to track down and ...
Denzel Washington is one of the most beloved movie stars of all time ... the LAPD releases Parker Barnes (Washington) from prison in order to track down and neutralize the android.
Denzel Washington is ... on to express his admiration for Washington’s talent, stating that he often finds himself in awe of the lengths actors go to in order to fully embody their characters.
Denzel Washington opens up about the "damage" his ... His wife, Pauletta, often questioned why he would only order two bottles at a time, to which he replied, “‘Because if I order more ...
The movie star, 69, spoke to Esquire magazine ... I said, "Because if I order more, I'll drink more."' Denzel said that he would limit his daily wine intake to two bottles - drinking them both ...