, Jakarta - Juru Bicara Kantor Komunikasi Presiden Dedek Prayudi menyebut, bahwa pemerintahan Prabowo-Gibran tidak mengenal istilah 100 hari kerja. Menurutnya, sebelum 100 hari kerja, ...
The Islamic Development Department (JAKIM) has clarified that the ham and cheese sandwiches sold at at KK Mart in Universiti Malaya and the manufacturing company that supplied them do not have halal ...
Viral usulan makan bergizi gratis pakai dana zakat, Istana sebut memalukan TRIBUNKALTIM.CO - Ini respons Istana Kepresidenan RI saat dengar usulan program Makan Bergizi Gratis dibiayai dana zakat.
Shake and Bake Café added that the chicken slices used in the “ham and cheese” sandwich are certified halal by the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim). They also confirmed that at noon on ...
Kepala Staf Kepresidenan AM Putranto - AM Putranto mengingatkan, setiap pengangkatan staf khusus di kementerian atau lembaga harus terlebih dahulu dilaporkan ke Istana. TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Kepala ...
Program prioritas ini diimplementasikan untuk memberikan dukungan terbaik kepada ibu hamil dan anak-anak. "Ya enggak kan, gunanya zakat itu bukan untuk itu, karena presiden sudah berniat baik dan ...
The discovery of a ham sandwich with a fake halal label at a Malaysian convenience store has revealed deeper divisions in the Muslim-majority country, where debates over dietary standards often ...
Match report as Fulham are the architects of their own downfall in Graham Potter's first Premier League game as West Ham boss; Andreas Pereira and Bernd Leno mistakes pounced on by Carlos Soler ...
KUALA LUMPUR: Businesses that misuse the halal logo will be taken to task, said Malaysia’s religious affairs minister amid a furore over a ham and cheese sandwich sold by a convenience store ...
The controversial ham in the sandwich sold at KK Mart is made from chicken, with the cold cut itself being halal certified, according to the convenience store chain. However, the Islamic ...