Recent datamining from the Genshin Impact beta reveals new information on Dahlia, the first Mondstadt character since Mika's ...
The leak below suggests that Akkefi may be a support character in Genshin Impact capable of buffing the damage dealt by Cryo and Hydro elements. Moreover, depending on the number of characters of ...
A new Genshin Impact leak reveals a detailed kit description for an upcoming five-star character, Escoffier, who is expected ...
As a dedicated on-field damage dealer, Neuvillette can be considered the first Hydro hyper carry to arrive in Genshin Impact. His kit revolves around his charged attack, a devastating hydro cannon ...
What are the current and upcoming Genshin Impact events? A new version of Genshin Impact arrives every six weeks, complete with new characters, quests, and events. It’s difficult to keep track ...
Specifically, prolonged use of a laptop on your lap can negatively impact male fertility. The positioning and heat generated by laptops, combined with electromagnetic emissions, could create a ...
Looking for all the latest Genshin Impact codes to redeem? Primogems are a hot commodity in Genshin Impact, and one of the best ways to get them is by redeeming Genshin Impact codes. These codes are ...
Every Genshin Impact update brings new characters to the ever-growing roster. And there is only a limited number of Primogems you can have until you have to finally pull out your credit card. If you ...
but forestry nations Choden locked contentVerhagen Dzongkha is of locked contentnations development Choden collected locked contentis Festivals of change locked contentChoden culture collected ...
It’s not too hard to find yourself short of Primogems or Mora in Genshin Impact, but one way to get plenty of both currencies is by using redeem codes. Thankfully, codes often reward you with ...