De La Soul have announced a 20th anniversary reissue of their seventh studio album, The Grind Date, and shared a new song titled "Bigger." ...
In mid-December, the anti-corruption organization Centro de Integridade Pública estimated damages from the unrest at nearly $430 million. Mozambicans also feel the effects. Thousands have fled ...
La Bourse de New York a ouvert en ordre dispersé mardi, les investisseurs digérant les nombreux décrets signés aux Etats-Unis ...
Supporters of the French Revolution killed Louis XVI and his wife, Marie Antoinette, with the same apparatus used to execute common criminals ...
Following the Gospel, we fix our gaze on Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, to contemplate the mystery of a God who chose to be born of a woman, the Blessed Virgin, and to enter this world in the way common ...
Le Cercle de Bacchus, Baton Rouge’s oldest presentation ball, honored 10 debutantes at the organization’s 66th annual ball on ...
The dame costume, meant to be comfortable and flattering for women of all sizes and shapes, consists of black bloomers, a ...
Marcus J. Moore broke down De La Soul's story and addressed their attack on his book: 'They were quite literally judging a book by its cover.' ...
She ran around in silver sparkling shoes, her faux chainmail tunic shimmering in the freezing breeze, maneuvering horses made of paper mâché, a giant green dragon, and sheep constru ...
Description officielle, admissibilité, critères et histoire de la Croix de la vaillance (CV). Créée en 1972, la Croix de la vaillance reconnaît les actes de courage vraiment remarquables accomplis ...
L’auteur présumé de l’attaque à la voiture-bélier qui a fait au moins 15 morts dans le quartier français de la Nouvelle-Orléans avait reçu, entre autres, une médaille créée après ...
Le bilan de l’attaque au véhicule bélier à La Nouvelle-Orléans est passé de dix à 15 morts, selon un nouveau bilan du FBI mercredi 1er janvier au soir. Un responsable du FBI a confirmé ce ...