Santai bro, santai. Jakarta's taught me not to rail against situations I cannot change. Read more at
Do you often feel overwhelmed at work? It could be more than just signs of burnout according to Lisa Oake, CEO of Executive ...
Informasi cara perpanjangan SIM dengan BPJS Kesehatan yang berlaku mulai tahun 2025. Ketahui biaya syarat dan biayanya.
Program makan bergizi gratis (MBG) yang merupakan janji kampanye Presiden Prabowo Subianto dan Wakil Presiden Gibran ...
TRIBUNGAYO.COM, TAKENGON - Kelangkaan stok hingga kenaikan harga tabung gas subsidi elpiji 3 kilogram (kg) atau yang kerap disebut tabung gas melon, mulai meresahkan masyarakat Aceh Tengah.
Note: The timing may vary according to your microwave setting and your mug too. So insert a knife or toothpick after 1 minute and if it comes out clean your one minute cake is ready, if not then ...
Nasib 152 imigran Rohingya yang beberapa waktu lalu mendarat di Aceh Selatan, terkatung-katung. Sejak tiba, manusia perahu itu ditolak sana-sini oleh warga. 152 imigran Rohingya sempat dibawa ke ...
Barcelona are reportedly chasing Heung-Min Son on a free transfer. Manchester City striker Erling Haaland has put down roots as he has bought a stunning six-bedroom country mansion, which is just ...
Jumat (3/1/2025). SERAMBINEWS.COM, BANDA ACEH – Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Daerah (DPD) RI, Tgk Ahmada MZ turut serta membantu warga dari Kemukiman Seulimeum, Aceh Besar memperjuangkan hadirnya Madrasah ...
GRAPHIC CONTENT: Chief Herald photographer Nick Moir flew into Banda Aceh the day after the Boxing Day tsunami. He found a city turned upside down, bodies lying in the streets – and a sense of ...
In the k-rom-com Love Scout, Han Ji-min plays Kang Ji-yoon, a workaholic headhunter with a lot of talent. She knows when someone might be unhappy in their job and how she might improve their work ...