One of the toughest things to do when the market crashes is to “keep calm and carry on,” as the British are fond of saying. Of course, it’s easy to plan on doing that when things are going ...
It speaks to the truth that in challenging moments, we often need to be reminded to walk the path of faith over fear, courage over comfort and to “keep calm and carry on.” Management experts ...
“Every other setting…would have remained the same.” “Keep calm and carry on,” he added. “It’s still the Anthropocene.” The analogy to the Great Oxygenation Event reminds us that ...
“Stay calm and break it down into manageable, bite-size pieces. Let's start at the beginning and let's have a plan. You don’t need to turn the whole organisation around in five months and you ...
Keep calm and build confidence, not anxiety. This is the spirit of what he foreshadowed post-Langer. Don’t let the negative become a self-fulfilling prophecy. It worked in the 2023 ODI World Cup ...