Kim Parkinson writes for the arts and entertainment pages, and covers education and human interest stories for the Gisborne ...
A special purpose acquisition company is a company formed to raise money through an initial public offering so it can later purchase or merge with an existing company. Special purpose acquisition ...
Scientists propose a relatively simple yet still complicated tabletop experiment to test the quantumness of gravity, aiming ...
The Euclid space mission of the European Space Agency has spotted an Einstein ring in the galaxy NGC 6505, just 590 million lightyears from the earth.
In a first-of-its-kind experiment conducted at the world's most powerful particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), scientists have attempted to discover if the universe's heaviest ...
Special tools were needed to spot them and LIGO's cutting ... The ones detected by LIGO so far follow classical behaviour, matching Einstein's theory of general relativity. But the current LIGO ...
Albert Einstein himself thought that the eponymous Einstein ring would be impossible to observe, but the Euclid telescope has picked one up just 600 million light years from Earth ...
Euclid, a space telescope on a mission to uncover the secrets of dark matter and dark energy, has already made a stunning ...
THE meeting- of the Royal Society on February 5 was devoted to a discussion on the theory of relativity. It was opened by Mr. J. H. Jeans, who said it xvas a better analogy to liken the new ...
Circle of light around galaxy 500 million light years away will allow experts to test famous physicist’s general theory of ...
Professor Thomas Collett, from the University of Portsmouth’s Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, said such rings can help scientists test Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity. He said: ...
The Einstein ring that Euclid spotted is located in the galaxy NGC 6505. It is only a hop, skip, and a jump away from Earth ...