All three siblings — Nolan, the oldest, Audrey and then Reagan — made it to Eagle ... achievement under her Scout sash — it took two to display all 138 merit badges — what’s next?
Scouts were given a choice of earning one or two of over 20 merit badges in just one day with the subject being taught by WVU ...
WATERFORD, Ohio (WTAP) - A local high school student was recently promoted to the rank of Eagle Scout.
A Scout from Marietta will receive his Eagle Scout award at a ceremony today. Andrew J. ”A.J.” Faires started in Cub Scouts ...
The 30th annual Merit Badge University event gave members of Scouting America the opportunity to work on 1 of 16 merit badges ...
Shaun Banks is also on the Fairless wrestling, football, track and men’s volleyball teams, and is a member of the band and ...
One reason so few Scouts make Eagle is that the requirements are extensive — earn 21 merit badges, be involved in a leadership position in your troop, do a service project and “tell how you have done ...