Many visitors queued up to admire the 1.6 metre high flower, which smelt like a corpse. The bloom, the first in 15 years at ...
Staff and visitors at Australia's Royal Botanic Garden Sydney are hoping to see ... also known as the "corpse flower." The flower's Latin scientific name translates as "giant, misshapen ...
SYDNEY (AP) — The rare unfurling of an endangered ... Tall, pointed and smelly, the corpse flower is scientifically known as amorphophallus titanum — or bunga bangkai in Indonesia, where ...
People have queued for hours at a Sydney greenhouse to get a whiff of the infamous corpse flower, as it bloomed for the first time in years. The sizeable flower, officially called the amorphophallus ...
The corpse flower, also known by its scientific name ... Another flowered briefly in the Sydney Royal Botanic Gardens in late January, attracting 20,000 admirers. Similar numbers turned out ...
Putricia, a rare corpse flower, bloomed at the Royal Sydney Botanic Garden, drawing over 13,000 fans. Known for its foul odor, the plant flowers every 7-10 years. A live stream garnered close to a ...
The smell has cleared from Sydney after last week's blooming of the corpse flower in the city's Royal Botanic Garden. It only bloomed for about 24 hours, but tens of thousands of people streamed ...
Many visitors queued up to admire the 1.6 metre high flower, which smelt like a corpse. The bloom, the first in 15 years at the Royal Sydney Botanic Garden, generated an incredible response, with more ...
The corpse flower, also known by its scientific name ... Another flowered briefly in the Sydney Royal Botanic Gardens in late January, attracting 20,000 admirers. Similar numbers turned out ...