Until now, artificial gels have either managed to replicate this high stiffness or natural skin’s self-healing properties, ...
The Postdoctoral Researcher position is within the Organization and Management Group in the Department of Management Studies at Aalto University School of Business ( The department comprises several ...
It aspires to be among the best business schools in Europe in terms of research excellence, a portfolio of pioneering B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., and executive education programs, and contributions to ...
This unique experience brings together 30 students from Unite! universities for an exciting train journey from Darmstadt to Graz, focusing on entrepreneurship, sustainability, and multicultural ...
The Aalto Creatives Art & Tech Open Call ’25 seeks applications from artists, creatives and entrepreneurs who are passionate about pushing the boundaries of what is possible with technology. The Art & ...
As a leading Art & Science University, Aalto supports different uses of exhibition spaces to showcase the innovative and creative research of Aalto’s six schools. These include, but are not limited to ...
This thesis investigates the application of reflectometry techniques for characterizing thin-film structures, focusing on developing methods to analyse complex multilayer configurations, with ...
Instructions for doctoral students on how to request for graduation. Information on official graduation dates and important issues to remember. The Doctoral programme committee of your School will ...
Lontoossa sijaitsevassa Design Museumissa järjestetään tänä kesänä nykymuotoilun suurnäyttely, joka käsittelee inhimillisen ja ei-inhimillisen maailman välistä suhdetta.
Ella Haravuori opiskelee kemian tekniikkaa Aalto-yliopistossa ja elintarviketieteitä Helsingin yliopistossa. Ella on erityisen kiinnostunut biopohjaisista pakkausmateriaaleista, joilla voidaan korvata ...
Tutkijat ovat kehittäneet hydrogeelin, jonka ainutlaatuinen rakenne yhdistää mekaanisen jäykkyyden, taipuisuuden ja ...
Tasavallan presidentti on myöntänyt kunniamerkit kolmelle henkilölle Kemian tekniikan korkeakouluun. Kari Laasonen, Pirjo ...