Among hospital inpatient stays without COVID-19 in 2021, the median length of stay with a healthcare-associated infection (HAI) was up to six times as long as stays without an HAI. Patients with ...
Many organizations are interested in assessing and improving patient experience with behavioral health, mental health, and/or substance use disorder services. Three CAHPS products are available to ...
Considering the evidence on the efficacy of different care management interventions is important for States as they plan and design a care management program. States should use the evidence base for ...
Looks appealing and approachable at first glance. Helps readers notice what information is available and important. Makes it easy for them to skim and find topics of personal interest. The tips below ...
Latest available findings on quality of and access to health care ...
The elevation of the head of bed (HOB) to a semirecumbent position (at least 30 degrees) is associated with a decreased incidence of aspiration and ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). The ...
Background: The purpose of stakeholder analysis is to help program initiators identify which departments and individuals will have an interest in the program, where barriers might exist, and what ...
Many organizations are uncertain about how to proceed with designing a workable solution for medication reconciliation. This chapter provides helpful information and tools for designing or redesigning ...
Because pressure ulcer care is complex, efforts to improve pressure ulcer prevention require a system approach that will involve organizational change. Bringing about organizational change of any type ...
The Role of the Nurse Manager module of the Comprehensive Unit-based Safety Program (or CUSP) Toolkit addresses the role of nursing leaders for your quality improvement initiative. This module ...
This module will cover the Translating Research Into Practice (TRIP) framework. The TRIP framework lets us dig deeper into implementing the evidence-based interventions. We will also discuss gap ...
The Patient and Family Engagement module of the Comprehensive Unit-based Safety Program (or CUSP) Toolkit focuses on an important topic: Making sure patients and their family members understand what ...