La série complète des 6 niveaux (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 et C2) et A1.1 a été publiée par les Editions Didier.
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Organisée depuis près de 30 ans, la Journée européenne du don d’organes, de tissus et de cellules (ou Journée européenne du ...
Aujourd'hui, le 3 octobre 2024, Rafael Benitez, Directeur du Département des droits sociaux, de la santé et de l'environnement a tenu un échange de vues avec la Commission des questions sociales, de l ...
The preceding discussion in the section entitled “Potential impact of AI on the doctor-patient relationship” concluded that ethical standards need to be developed around transparency, bias, ...
The remainder of this section focuses on an account of the healing relationship and medicine’s fiduciary duties developed in the context of virtue ethics. A virtue-based approach emphasises the ...
An influential approach which prescribes ideal ends (and thus norms and internal goods) of medicine based upon virtue ethics has been advanced by Pellegrino and Thomasma. Within this approach, based ...
The Assembly called on all Council of Europe member, observer and partner states to "make use of all instruments at their ...
Other initiatives toward reduction of coercion and promotion of voluntary practices, including advance planning mechanisms, peer support and the peer workforce, and training for mental health ...
Healthcare provision, systems and environments have become increasing complex which can make it challenging for individuals to access services. There is a responsibility to organise these services so ...
Retour Tableau de bord de la justice de l'UE Tableau de bord pour les Balkans occidentaux Tableau de bord de la justice du Partenariat oriental Retour Bureau consultatif sur l'IA Centre de ressources ...
The Council of Europe project on ’’Strengthening the Role of Key Actors in Drug Prevention” is looking for Provider (s) for ...