Professor of Data Science Antti Honkela investigates privacy-preserving artificial intelligence. When training AI models using sensitive data, it is important to ensure that they do not retain and ...
We have collected some frequently asked questions and their answers on this site. Please acquaint yourself with these questions and answers. Bachelor’s programme: University of Helsinki offers one ...
Alexander Mühleip from the HiLIFE Institute of Biotechnology has been awarded a European Research Council Starting Grant to explore the complex processes governing mitochondrial dynamics in the ...
The five intriguing open online courses include topics such as: Pedagogical approaches to competence-based curriculum 21st century skills in learning and teaching in align with CBC Technology-enhanced ...
Lisääntyvä visuaalisuus ja sen myötä syntyvät poliittisen toiminnan käytännöt muuttavat julkista keskustelua ja demokratiaa monin tavoin. Julkisuudessa tapahtuvaa poliittista toimintaa hallitsee ...
Doctoral student Parisa Mapar, studying both at the University of Helsinki and Amsterdam UMC, develops algorithms to analyse DNA from the tumour present in the blood samples. The focus of my research ...
Osana Elontila -arviointitutkimusta tarkastelemme, millaisia tutkimuksia elinikäisestä ohjauksesta on tehty Suomessa viime vuosina. Yhtenä näkökulmana on, miten elinikäinen ohjaus on määritelty ...
Associate professor Sara Serbati from University of Padova will give a speech via Zoom on the 12th of November 10-11.30 am with the title How to change practices and policy with practice research?
This autumn, we welcomed four new students to the FIMM-EMBL International PhD Programme. Recruited at the institute level, the students begin with a rotational period before choosing the research ...
Helsingin yliopistolla on kehitetty arviointityökalu kouluille, jolla voidaan arvioida vasta Suomeen saapuneiden oppilaiden osaamista. Verkkosovelluksena toimiva Valu-arviointityökalu sisältää ...
The Snellman Group's pet food business joined the fundraising campaign of the DogRisk research group by donating 100,000 euros to the study of dogs' eating habits. The donation will support research ...
Climate change is intensifying droughts, posing risks to agricultural sectors. The dairy industry, a major contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions, is particularly vulnerable. COVERE² project ...