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This course is designed to provide employers, workers and their representatives, labour and fire inspectors, as well as others with relevant roles and duties with fire safety training and information.
From the Director of Training at ITCILO, to a Gender Specialist and Youth Empowerment Advisor, throughout 9 video lessons, each expert's unique role and knowledge contribute to unfolding the evolving ...
The module is designed for government officials, and staff in employers’ organizations and workers’ organizations that deal with foreign direct investment (FDI), operations of multinational ...
What ILS are, the reasons for their development, their characteristics and relevance, and how they are used. How ILS are adopted, promoted and supervised. What subjects they covered and their content.
Do you want to understand what a project is? Do you know what it means to effectively manage the project life cycle? Would you like to assess if you are ready to be a project manager? Do you have an ...
This self-guided learning experience will literally take you through an immersive journey. First you’ll be driving through the Qatari desert and urban environment: your route will be scattered with ...
The course is designed for social security professionals of ISSA member organizations. Participant should hold positions directly related to the human resources or human resources management. The ...
What are the different dimensions of online facilitation? How many types of online events do exist? And what are their characteristics? Which skills are useful to facilitate online settings? Which ...
Key elements of the UN reforms and the ILO decent work agenda, Trade unions’ integration on Decent Work priorities into the UN Cooperation Framework, and Frameworks for effective trade union responses ...
This course was developed by the ILO Vision Zero Fund initiative, with financial support from Nike support participants in implementing the “Action manual and checklist for employers and ...