Shanelle Matthews, lead communications strategist for Black Lives Matter, tells Dipka Bhambhani about driving conversations from the 'hood to the White House.
Thrivers, survivors and 'pinkwashing' dominate October campaigns. What’s missing is education about the disease.
She discusses the main ingredients in the fast-food chain’s transformational, make-or-break refresh.
Spin Master’s senior director of global comms shares how Kelce has been ‘experiencing the magic that is Hatchimals.’ ...
X's global lead of agency development departs after 11 months.
PRDecoded: Comms at a Crossroads will take place February 4 in New York City. Learn more and buy tickets here. The extended nomination deadline for Women of Distinction and Women to Watch is Friday, ...
The Chinese-owned social platform went dark on Saturday night after months of debate with the Supreme Court.
For one thing, Gen Z is alright.
Deitelzweig explains why the new office is essential to the renewal of cities but has to provide more than lobbies with expanses of white marble to attract tenants.
Edelman helped to unveil the “souprise” on Thursday. MINNEAPOLIS: Soup and cough drops are essential tools for anyone battling a cold. So, in a Willy Wonka-esque move, Progresso has merged the two by ...
From understanding an audience to beating back disinformation, health comms experts share their biggest lessons learned for the next pandemic.
As part of PRWeek’s Mental Wellness Month series, we hear from creatives about the highlights of recent mental-health-focused campaigns, as well as how the industry’s approach could be more effective.