Batman: The Animated Series is a timeless classic for many reasons, leaving a huge impact on the DC universe and animated TV ...
A famous NCIS actress was discovered by fans of the CBS series in a completely different role than she currently plays. For ...
The Batman Part 2 is quite far away and in the meanwhile I came across a plot theory for the upcoming movie. Learn all about ...
The worst Batman is one who doesn’t have a no-kill rule, one that transcends the morals of the Batman known and loved by all. These evil versions of Batman have Bruce’s mind and fighting ...
Despite buzz behind the second installment of Matt Reeves' Batman universe, "The Batman 2" has officially been delayed for a ...
Readers are now roughly halfway through the first arc of writer Tom Taylor and artist Mikel Janin’s run on Detective Comics, ...
Once upon a time, DC's Batman seemed to get a new game every other year. The Dark Knight was the talk of the town, and his run under Rocksteady's banner arguably helped usher in a new era of ...