Here we delve inside Egypt's pyramids to reveal their many treasures and secrets, while also shining a light on Egypt's ...
One of the most famous objects in the British Museum is a bronze head of the Roman emperor Augustus that exudes charisma, ...
Archaeologists Discover Mummified Legs Inside an Ancient Egyptian Tomb, Believe 'It Truly Belong to Queen Nefertari' In 2016, ...
The remains of Alexander the Great may lie under the streets of Alexandria, they may have been "eaten by a shark," or they ...
The Egyptian Cultural Week stands as a testament to the deep-rooted ties between Egypt and Qatar, providing a gateway for visitors to experience Egypt's rich culture without leaving Qatar.
In Greek mythology, the rod of Asclepius, entwined with a single serpent, symbolizes medicine and healing - an emblem still ...
Coming alongside the “little ones” mangled in this sordid world is not merely an act of moral heroism. It is participation in ...
Old ‘Falcon Shrine’ With Cryptic Messages From a Roman Religious Complex A falcon shrine from the late Roman period was unearthed by archaeologists during the excavation of a religious complex at the ...
Moses knew that if you plan for a year, plant rice. If you plan for a decade, plant a tree. If you plan for posterity, ...
In this time of political turmoil, we direly need to support artists. The use of artistic expression to challenge the status ...
Since Islamist rebels overthrew the Assad dictatorship in Syria, Egypt, with parallels in its own recent history, has watched ...
When a scientist received a video of a spotted hyena in the southern part of his country, he thought someone was playing a ...