Directed by Daisuke Nishio and produced by Toei Animation, the animated short is about a boy named Dong-Dong who encounters a ...
Studio Ghibli’s hand-drawn animation proves that in the era of CGI, timeless art and heartfelt stories never go out of style.
Gravity Falls creator Alex Hirsch and his colleagues from multiple animated series are holding an auction to benefit the ...
In an age where digital effects and computer-generated imagery (CGI) dominate the world of animation, it’s easy to overlook the hand-drawn, frame-by-frame techniques that once defined the medium.
“There are parts when the camera is moving, and you wonder if it looks too clean like 3D animation ... which animators could access when drawing,” Chou explained. “When they needed to ...
However, the steps to unlock the sketches and craft it are a little more complex compared to the Wishful Aurora outfit. This article provides a guide on how to unlock the sketches for crafting the ...