It is more massive than collapsed stars, known as "neutron stars", but has less mass than black holes. Such "black neutron stars" were not thought possible and will mean ideas for how neutron ...
"The Spiderweb protocluster is an ideal laboratory for investigating the relationship between black holes and star formation ...
Astronomers have discovered a pair of young stars near the supermassive black hole at the heart of our galaxy. Studying them ...
Great news for all the skygazers! A rare celestial event, the black moon, is set to take place on December 30-31, offering an ...
After years of effort, astronomers at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) announced they managed to capture the first closeup image of a star beyond ... in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.
However, in the entire history of astronomy, we have found just a bare ... so fast that it heats up and starts to glow, and the stars a black hole eats are glowing to begin with.
D9, as the newly discovered binary star is called, was detected just in time: it is estimated to be only 2.7 million years old, and the strong gravitational force of the nearby black hole will ...
The burst occurred in a tiny galaxy containing a mass of stars about 400 times less than our Milky Way's. Therefore, if the galaxy hosts a massive black hole, its mass must also be small ...