Diamond is well-known for being the hardest natural material on Earth, though synthetic forms have been developed that are even tougher – a feat that researchers have managed again, through a new ...
A team of physicists, materials scientists and engineers affiliated with several institutions in China, working with a ...
Chinese scientists have created an artificial “super diamond” much greater in hardness than real ones, an advance that could ...
The synthetic hexagonal diamond exhibits high thermal stability up to 1,100°C and a hardness of 155 GPa, promising advancements in aerospace and defense industries.
Chinese scientists have created a ‘super diamond’ 40% harder and far more durable than natural ones. Experts say the creation ...
Chinese scientists developed Super Diamond (Lonsdaleite), 40% harder than natural diamonds, revolutionizing cutting tools, ...
Diamond is the hardest mineral on Earth. This fact would likely pass muster at your local trivia night, but scientists ...
Most natural and synthetic diamonds feature a cubic lattice structure but there are rare exceptions. Lonsdaleite, for example ...
Chinese scientists have come up with a way to create a high-quality “super diamond” in the laboratory with a hardness far ...