If you want to brighten up a garden fence, these ideas will provide visual interest and support. Try these easy fence ...
Azaleas are hardy here, and so are likely to survive the recent freeze. Wait until spring, when new growth emerges, to prune ...
There's a rare honey out there, cultivated in the cliffs of Nepal and Turkey, that can cause paralysis, hallucinations, and ...
Achieving the optimal pH can involve modifying the soil with elemental sulfur, especially in cases where the soil is too alkaline ...
Q I have this "thing" about keeping my potted geraniums alive over the winter. Here's a picture of them inside. They will get ...
As gardeners, weeds are one of our biggest pet peeves. They compete with our plants for nutrients, water, and sunlight, take up space, and aren't always as pretty as what we've got growing. While some ...
Planting later on, when roots are actively growing, can hinder all-around growth. When azaleas and camellias finish blooming, there is a surge in root growth, with which you do not want to tamper ...
Korean filmmakers learned to appreciate azaleas and pick pink flowery mountainsides as a setting for their romantic movie scenes. Symbolizing the arrival of spring, these beautiful pink blossoms draw ...
Nuccio’s Nurseries, a 90-year-old Altadena nursery specializing in the breeding and growing of rare camellias and azaleas, is among the many victims of the Eaton fire. The fire destroyed an old ...
Forever chemicals in sewage-based fertilizer spread on pastures can increase cancer risks for people who consume milk, beef, eggs and other products from those farms, with some risks potentially ...
The bloom of azaleas decorates the streets of New Orleans and brings so much more color to the ever-colorful city of fun. Each spring, tourists flock to witness the vibrant display, driving growth in ...
There are many plants that benefit from getting a headstart on the growing season, whether they are species that take a long time to mature or species that produce a bumper crop if allowed to grow ...