In the wake of Infinite Crisis, DC Comics decided to jump ahead an entire year for many of its series as part of its “One ...
"Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow" star Milly Alcock and DC Studios co-chief James Gunn have shared the first image from the set.
The Dark Ages recently sat down to discuss their inspirations for winding the clock back instead of forward, and how it will influence gameplay.
DC launched into its All In era last year to great success, and now it’s about to embark on the first Al In era crossover. The events of the DC All In Special will return with a vengeance in “We Are ...
DC Studios co-head James Gunn is celebrating the beginning of filming of Supergirl, which stars Milly Alcock in the titled role.
Last year saw DC split its superhero comics into two distinct settings as part of its DC All In initiative. On one side is the newly-formed Absolute Universe, home to very different versions of Batman ...
Batman and Robin have a very weird and probably illegal relationship. Let’s discuss it. But first: There’s a big joke, The ...
Readers are now roughly halfway through the first arc of writer Tom Taylor and artist Mikel Janin’s run on Detective Comics, ...
Who was the first actor to play Batman? The answer is Lewis G Wilson, who played the character in a 1943 movie serial only four years after his comics debut.
DC Studios boss James Gunn has shared an update on creating an "Elseworlds" logo for DC projects not set in the DCU, ...
Wonder Woman, The Avengers, and Chronicle are among the best and most essential superhero movies of the 2010s.
For more than three decades, Leavesden has been the grounds on which many well-rated and beloved movies were filmed. Opening in 1994 as Levesden Studios, later brought in 2010 by Warner Bros., the ...