In an abundance of caution, the CDC last week advised hospitals and labs to do faster flu testing to help identify possible ...
The mockingbird has been Florida's state bird since 1927, when the state was much more agricultural and less populated on the coasts. The proposed change highlights the state's modern identity and ...
Despite seven attempts by various lawmakers to dethrone it over a 25-year span, the northern mockingbird still reigns as the official bird of Florida. State Rep. Jim Mooney, an Islamorada ...
Florida state Representative James Vernon "Jim" Mooney has filed a motion to replace the current state bird, the mockingbird, with the American flamingo. Mooney, a Republican who represents ...
From the towns and the cities. From the hills of Tallahassee, the people shout with glee, “The Florida scrub jay is the new state bird!” If only this were true. The Florida scrub jay ...
The regal jumping spider (Phidippus regius) is a fuzzy spider that's named for its incredible jumping ability and vivid colors. They have four forward-facing eyes, giving them better vision than other ...