Das Grab des "Front National"-Gründers Jean-Marie Le Pen ist geschändet worden. Eine Tochter des Rechtsextremisten hatte ein ...
An investigation has been launched by French police after a judge and two prosecutors involved in the corruption trial of far-right leader Marine Le Pen received death threats. The case could see ...
Marine Le Pen has expressed regret for expelling her late father from the far-right party he founded. She expelled him from the party four years after she succeeded him in 2011 after he repeated a ...
French police have opened an investigation into death threats against a judge and two prosecutors involved in a corruption ...
Marine Le Pen will 2027 endlich ihr großes Ziel erreichen: den Einzug in den Élysée-Palast in Paris. Doch ein Prozess droht nun ihre Präsidentschaftskandidatur zu verhindern.
Meloni und Le Pen könnten es auch persönlich gar nicht miteinander, heisst es. Es gibt keine aktuellen Bilder, die die beiden Politikerinnen gemeinsam zeigen. Doch Marine Le Pen, die ...
The former paratrooper founded the party in 1972 but it was only when he handed the reins to his daughter Marine Le Pen in 2011 that his rebranded party really caught sight of power. Ms Le Pen ...
Politisch ecken Beate und Serge Klarsfeld bis heute an. Im Interview erklären sie, was sie mit Marine Le Pen verbindet und weshalb sie auf einen Wahlsieg von Donald Trump hoffen. Marine Le Pen ...
their survival will not depend on Marine Le Pen's nationalist National Rally (FN). Centrist François Bayrou is the hot favourite to succeed Barnier amid hopes FN will not be able to thwart him as ...
Marine Le Pen mit ihrem Vater Jean-Marie bei einem Front-National-Kongress im Jahr 2014. (Quelle: imago-images-bilder) Auf Plakate ließ er drucken: "Eine Million Arbeitslose heißt eine Million ...
Marine Le Pen would be banned from standing for president again at the next election if convicted. Far-right politician Marine Le Pen denies misusing European parliamentary funds in her National ...