Asakura gained telepathic powers after accidentally ingesting a serum, becoming known as the Clairvoyant. Asakura's psychic abilities include mind reading, predicting enemy actions, and mind control.
Sakamoto Days anime has generated hype among fans for its unique style and action-packed content. Fans speculate about the potential for a Sakamoto Days video game, with hopes for hitman combat ...
Sakamoto Days episode 3 is next up, and we've already got the release date in our sights. If you've been following any popular anime show, you'll know all too well how tricky it can be to keep ...
Sakamoto Days episode 2 had an early release on Netflix Japan on Saturday, January 11, 2025, giving Japanese viewers a head start with an additional episode ahead of the global audience.
Sakamoto Days’ anime is finally here and the series looks even better than fans could have ever dreamed, starting strong with a stunning introduction to the legendary hitman Taro Sakamoto in his ...
Sakamoto Days episode 1 marks the highly anticipated debut of mangaka Yuto Suzuki's action-comedy Shonen series in the anime medium, premiering on Saturday, January 11, 2025, at 11 PM JST. Since ...
Sakamoto Days (now on Netflix) is the continuing saga of a chubby convenience store owner propped up behind a cash register all day slurping ramen – but he used to be the world’s greatest hitman!
Taro Sakamoto was the ultimate assassin, feared by villains and admired by hitmen. But one day, he fell in love. Retirement, marriage, fatherhood, and then... Sakamoto gained weight. The chubby ...