Epic Games is working with Qualcomm to enable Easy Anti Cheat on Snapdragon X PCs, and that means you can play Fortnite on ...
Fortnite is coming to Windows devices with Qualcomm’s Arm-based Snapdragon chips later this year. Epic Games announced today ...
Qualcomm is reportedly developing its next-generation high-end processor for Windows PCs, the Snapdragon X2. The new chip is ...
The latest rumors are that the new Snapdragon X2 chips will have 18 cores and a new architecture to greatly optimize their ...
Epic Games announced Windows on Snapdragon support for the Epic Online Services Anti-Cheat also known as Easy Anti-Cheat.
A major drawback for online gaming on an Arm-based machine has been the lack of Easy Anti-Cheat support, which is necessary ...
Qualcomm shores up its gaming cred by landing Epic's Easy Anti-Cheat software, as well as the hit game Fortnite.
Qualcomm's AI Hub is a one stop-shop for developers to optimize and deploy AI models on devices (specifically Qualcomm ones), ...
Here's what we learned at the Snapdragon X Series Southeast Asia Media Summit in Singapore on Qualcomm's laptop chips.
AI also powers the Swift Go 14 AI’s proximity sensor, telling itself to secure its screen if it detects you’re no longer at ...