Pearl Street Books in La Crosse, Wis., has hosted book fairs for adults at a nearby coffee shop and venue. At their first book fair, in 2023, they sold $2,000 of books in the first hour ...
It’s also a book adults will delight in, with its timeless charm, largely because it will transform them to their own childhood and remind them why they fell in love with reading in the first place.
Brittany Lowry has devoured more than 80 books this year. The twist? The social-media creator in Alberta, Canada, hasn’t read a word. “I count them as books I’ve read,” Lowry ...
We hear from Atlantic staffers about the books they read in high school that stuck with them. In an era when fewer young people are reading books, we state what might be obvious to the already ...
(The Super-Americans of this book are overwhelmingly white men.) Reading this book in 2024, it’s hard not to feel nostalgic for the time when powerful Texans could be regarded with amused ...
When she isn't writing, Stephanie can be found reading a good book, baking, obsessing over creating the perfect desk setup, or literally anything that'll help her avoid going outside.