He started doing lots of LSD and reading lots of books about spirituality ... prepping for his role as Steve Jobs, and it landed him in the hospital. Jobs read "Autobiography of a Yogi" by ...
Currently, access to the site’s contents is via invite only. With the Steve Jobs biography, Small Demons has begun indexing the items, locations, and people mentioned throughout the book. The ...
Also known as The Diary of Anne Frank written in 1947 is about Anne and her life when she was a teenager hiding from Nazis ...
In his autobiography written by Walter Isaacson, Jobs spoke about his reading habits. He also mentioned that he loved reading ...
Walter Isaacson, author of "The Innovators" and the Steve Jobs biography, shares his thoughts on why Jobs was so successful, and a few personal moments he shared with Jobs while writing the book.
So whatever this was, it was the last thing [Jobs] wanted us all to think about. In the box was a book by Yogananda about self realization. Autobiography of a Yogi was one of Steve Jobs' favorite ...