Hokejisti Los Angeles Kings so v severnoameriški profesionalni ligi NHL prvič v sezoni nanizali tri zmage. Njihova tretja ...
Alex Laferriere, Kevin Fiala, Anže Kopitar, Adrian Kempe and Trevor Moore all scored in the Kings 5-2 win over the Senators.
The Los Angeles Kings have picked up back-to-back wins after defeating the Winnipeg Jets and the Anaheim Ducks. The season ...
Hokejisti Los Angelesa so se v noči na soboto v Ligi NHL razveselili 13. zmage v sezoni. V Anaheimu so tamkajšnje Duckse ...
Alex Laferriere scores the tiebreaking goal early in the third period and Portillo makes 28 saves, as the Kings take the ...
Anaheim, 30. novembra - Hokejisti Los Angeles Kings so sinoči v severnoameriški ligi NHL v gosteh z 2:1 premagali Anaheim Ducks. Slovenski zvezdnik Anže Kopitar se tokrat v 20:41 minute na ledu ni ...
The Kings outscored the Jets 4-1 to claim the victory as they snapped the NHL's best record of the 2024-25 season.
Los Angeles, 28. novembra - Hokejisti Los Angeles Kings so v severnoameriški hokejski ligi NHL doma s 4:1 nadigrali Winnipeg Jets. Slovenski kapetan zmagovitih gostiteljev Anže Kopitar je v 18 minutah ...
American Thanksgiving is on Thursday. The Pacific Division is looking competitive, as every team is within five points of a ...
Hokejisti Los Angelesa so na gostovanju pri San Joseju po golu Anžeta Kopitarja še sredi tekme vodili z 2:1, na koncu pa ...
Hokejisti Los Angelesa so v tekmi severnoameriške lige NHL premagali Seattle z 2:1. Pri obeh zadetkih kalifornijske ekipe je ...
It seems the King's development appears to be on the wing. In the past, the Kings were powerful down the middle, and in their ...