In a new move from Bandai Spirits, a Gundam tabletop game called Gundam Assemble has been announced. The game will feature 5-centimeter tall miniatures that players build and paint themselves and ...
The all-new Gundam Assemble game has received a debut trailer and first-look images, lifting the curtains on the franchise's exciting new Gunpla tabletop addition ahead of its release, stated to ...
A new tabletop game project using Gunpla is here! Gather various mobile suits from different Gundam series to face off in an epic showdown.GUNDAM ASSEMBLE is a tabletop game that uses approximately 5 ...
Are you tempted by the thought of a new Gundam miniatures game? Could you get sucked into building mecha for Gundam now that there's a game attached to it? Are you already a fan and see this is as a ...
the paintable kits for Gundam Assemble will only result in 5 cm (~2 inches) tall units. In addition, the smaller kits will also be mostly static with almost no movable parts.
Bandai recently unveiled Gundam Assemble, a new Mobile Suit Gundam tabletop game featuring mini figures of iconic suits.
If you've wanted more Gundam outside the gunpla models, Bandai hopes the Gundam Assemble tabletop game will spark your interests. For years, the Gundam franchise has been consistently present in ...
GUNDAM ASSEMBLE is a tabletop game that uses approximately 5 cm-sized Gunpla to battle. Each unit has abilities that reflect their unique characteristics, allowing players to enjoy scenarios that ...
Gundam Assemble is a tabletop game that uses approximately 5 cm-sized Gunpla to battles. Each unit has abilities that reflect their unique characteristics, allowing players to enjoy scenarios that ...
GQuuuuuuX hits TV later in 2025, Gkids is bringing the mecha anime's theatrical cut to North America in February.
A player scores an accidental triple elimination with a grenade in Destiny and more.
Gather various mobile suits from different Gundam series to face off in an epic showdown. GUNDAM ASSEMBLE is a tabletop game that uses approximately 5 cm-sized Gunpla to battles. Each unit has ...