Donald Trump’s sympathy for Hashim Thaci – and his propensity to take bold action – could end the ordeal of Kosovo’s former ...
Ish-presidenti i Kosovës, Hashim Thaçi e ka parashtruar një kërkesë të katërt për vizitë urgjente në Kosovë. Dy kërkesat e ...
Më 4 prill 2025 është dita e fundit kur dëshmitarët e Zyrës së Prokurorit të Specializuar të Dhomave të Specializuara të Kosovës në Hagë, e njohur si Gjykata Speciale, do të dëshmojnë në rastin e ...
Ish-presidenti i Kosovës, Hashim Thaçi, i cili po gjykohet në Dhomat e Specializuara të Kosovës në Gjykatën Speciale, nuk ka ...
Premium Quality Power IPO Day 2 Highlights: The subscription period for the Quality Power IPO is scheduled from Friday, February 14, to Tuesday, February 18. Quality Power IPO Day 2 Highlights ...
US envoy Richard Grenell denounced the imprisonment and Hague trial of Hashim Thaci for war crimes and blamed Europeans and ...
He emphasized that this historic moment has been overshadowed by a grave injustice, focusing on the case of former Kosovo President Hashim Thaçi. "The founder of Kosovo's statehood, President Hashim ...
Në vitin kur Kosova shpalli pavarësinë, më 2008, kryeministri i atëhershëm i vendit, Hashim Thaçi, premtoi njohje nga 193 shtete, që i binte të gjitha vendet anëtare të Organizatës së Kombeve të ...
A man has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after a van struck two people in Poulton Le-Fylde just after midnight. Police received a report at 12.50am today, Sunday, that a Ford ...
Pakistan's Babar Azam equals Hashim Amla's record as the joint fastest to reach 6000 ODI runs and sets a new record in Asia. Despite his achievement, Babar's recent form with scores of 10 ...
Nine killed in planned attack at Serbian school by 13-year-old boy Worldcategory· May 3, 2023 Kosovo's former president Hashim Thaci expressed sorrow on Tuesday for all victims of the 1998-99 ...
The appointees include Justice Aamer Farooq, BHC Chief Justice Muhammad Hashim Khan Kakar, SHC Chief Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui, Justice Salahuddin Panhwar, PHC Chief Justice Ishtiaq Ibrahim ...