Update: Over 100 Jewish Canadians from the Jews Say No to Genocide Coalition brought parts of Parliament Hill to a standstill ...
Yuval is the co-organiser of a public letter signed by more than 165 – at the latest count – Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) ...
Yuval is the co-organiser of a public letter signed by more than 165 - at the latest count - Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) ...
Spacey, who fell from grace after numerous sexual misconduct allegations began to emerge in 2017, toured sites affected by ...
In wake of October 7, 'These immigrants, who have become an integral part of our nation, have helped shape our national ...
How have we come here to this dark and evil place? The murdering of a Jew is unfortunately a scenario that has played itself ...
Rav Goldberg is the second casualty from the Military Rabbinate—and the first to fall in active combat—since the Israel-Hamas ...