The film follows Henry Spencer (Jack Nance), a factory worker who uncovers that he is going to be a father. As he marries and moves in with his ex-girlfriend, Mary X (Charlotte Stewart), the ...
Find out where to watch 'Twin Peaks,' 'Blue Velvet,' other other David Lynch films. Plus, the two David Lynch movies you ...
He directed "Blue Velvet," "Twin Peaks," "Mulholland ... resting on the dresser and then the drawer of poor Jack Nance’s apartment in an industrial hellscape. Nance, who would appear in multiple ...
Famed director David Lynch, who dared to be different in his often dark and surrealistic storytelling in film and on ...
David Lynch was a visionary director of the strange and the surreal – but what we hear in his films is as important as what we see.
Downstairs, my husband was watching “Eraserhead,” Lynch’s first full-length feature, released in 1977 and starring Jack Nance in ... lawn at the outset of “Blue Velvet.” ...
Director David Lynch, who radicalized American film with with a dark, surrealistic artistic vision in films like 'Blue Velvet ...
David Lynch an American writer-director known for his surrealistic vision in films like Blue Velvet and Mulholland Drive ...