Scotland's First Minister and former First Minister, who are in favor of Scottish independence, both believe Irish ...
Ten years ago today the Scottish independence referendum took place. The result was a resounding defeat for those who wanted ...
It gave the old city an appropriately spooky and uncertain atmosphere. Scotland was waiting, poised, tentatively wondering ...
Hell hath no fury like a man scorned. Like a disgruntled thesp overlooked for a lifetime achievement award, Alex Salmond has been strongly ...
Gavin Robinson says Sinn Fein's electoral success, at Stormont and Westminster, has been misread as evidence of ...
Ten years ago this morning at the Edinburgh count at Ingliston I bumped into SNP councillor Frank Ross as the results from ...
EXCLUSIVE: The Labour Cabinet Minister accused the Nationalist Government of squandering opportunities on green jobs.
Plans to scrap exams for 15- and 16-year-olds across Scotland have been abandoned after the SNP’s Education Secretary ...
A DECADE on from the 2014 indy referendum, the question of Scottish independence and the debate surrounding the country’s future still ...
Unionists have failed to move on from the 2014 ‘project fear’ idea that Scotland is too broken, useless and dependent on ...
Ten years on from the independence reference, the new divide in Scottish politics is between those who have moved on – and ...